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- Bob Baete / Paul Verbraecke - Constantin Meunier, De Buildrager aan de suikerrui Pandora, 2005.
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- Dina Aristodemo - Descrittione Di Tutti I Paesi Bassi Lodovico Guicciardini and the Low Countries Antwerp, Phoebus Focus XVI, 2020.
- Eric Rinckhout - GIDEON KIEFER. 3007 A.D. - 4897 A.D. Hannibal / Kannibaal, 2022.
- Frederik Tinck - Edouard De Jans Brugs genre en portretschilder van de Antwerpse school. Monografie en beredeneerde catalogus. Wiele Brugge, 2022.
- Katya Tylevich - Borremans - Michaël Borremans A Confrontation at the Zoo. Catalogus Voorlinden 2024 Voorlinden, 2024.
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- Carol C. Mattusch - Greek Bronze Statuary : from the Beginnings Through the Fifth Century B. C. Cornell, Cornell University Press, 1989.
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- Herodotus - Historiën: Alles wat ik zag, hoorde en onderzocht Amsterdam, Athenaeum, 2019.
- Lopez, Jonathan - The Man Who Made Vermeers: Unvarnishing the Legend of Master Forger Han Van Meegeren Boston, Mariner Books, 2009.
- Plinius de Jongere - Majesteit!: correspondentie met keizer Trajanus Amsterdam, Athenaeum, 2018.
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- Dolnick, Edward - The Forger's Spell: A True Story of Vermeer, Nazis, and the Greatest Art Hoax of the Twentieth Century New York, Harper, 2008.
- Frederik H. Kreuger - A New Vermeer Life and Work of Han Van Meegeren Delft, Frederik H. Kreuger, 2007.
- Cline, Eric H. - The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2012.
- Karel Mortier - De verdwenen rechters Analyse van een kunstroof Gent, Academia Press, 2015. 1ste.
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- Antero Tammisto - Birds in Mosaics. A study on the Representation of Birds in Hellenistic and Romano-Campanian. Tessellated Mosaics to the Early Augustan Age. Roma, Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, 1997.
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- Bacchielli, Lidiano - L'agorà di Cirene. III,1. Il Monumento Navale. Monografie di Archeologia Libica XVI Roma, L'Erma di Bretschneider, 1981.
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- Morey, Charles Rufus - The Gold-Glass Collection of the Vatican Library; with additional catalogues of other gold-glass. Edited by Guy Ferrari Rome, Citta Del Vaticano, 1959.