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(ONBEKEND); HET KONINGSVRAAGSTUK. FEITEN EN GETUIGENISSEN, Gent, Rudolf Vercammen, (1949). Gebrocheerd, papieromslag, 145 x 205mm., 95pp, z/w buitentekstillustraties. Ter inleiding : Een brief van Leopold III aan het hoofd van de regering. Goede staat, kleine vlekjes op papieromslag. Buchnummer: 15289 | Preis: EUR 16.00 In den Einkaufswagen

-- Conjointure Arthurienne, Actes de la "Classe d'excellence" de la Chaire Francqui 1998. Liege, 20 fevrier 1998. Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2000. Hardcover. VI 128 p., 160 x 240 mm, Languages: French, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN: 02110200200 Les auteurs entrainent le lecteur dans le temps, l'espace et meme le monde de l'heraldique et completent a merveille le panorama en traitant du Moyen Age anglais, francais, latin et neerlandais, mais aussi de la facon d'enseigner la litterature medievale. Brillant chercheur et enseignant, president de diverses societes savantes et fondateur d'une des grandes maisons d'edition anglo-saxonnes, Derek Brewer a ete, en 1998, titulaire d'une ?« Chaire interuniversitaire au titre etranger ?» de la Fondation Francqui. Le point d'orgue du sejour belge de l'eminent professeur de Cambridge devait etre marque par l'organisation de la rencontre d'une ?« Classe d'excellence ?», c'est-a-dire le rassemblement de medievistes belges. L'occasion etait belle de renouer les contacts entre les membres de la section belge de la Societe arthurienne et d'encourager la relance des activites nationales. Drainant un bel ensemble de specialistes chevronnes et de jeunes chercheurs, la journee connut effectivement un franc succes. Comme en temoigne ce volume d'Actes, la mise en commun des ressources a revele une etonnante richesse, qu'il s'agisse de l'eventail des secteurs couverts ou encore des approches retenues par les participants. Les quatre invites etrangers, Derek et Elisabeth BREWER ainsi que Donald et Sara MADDOX (tous deux de l'Universite du Massachusetts a Amherst), entrainent le lecteur dans le temps, l'espace et meme le momnde de l'heraldique. Les auteurs belges completent a merveille le panorama en traitant du Moyen Age anglais, francais, latin et neerlandais, mais aussi de la facon d'enseigner la litterature medievale. Il s'agit d'articles de Geert H.M. CLAASSENS (KUL), Catherine DESCHEPPER (UCL), Louis GEMENNE (UCL), Delphine PIRAPREZ (KUL) et Martine THIRY-STASSIN (ULg). Buchnummer: 45399 | Preis: EUR 24.98 In den Einkaufswagen

-- ECONOMISCHE EN FINANCIELE ASPECTEN VAN DE BRUSSELSE GESCHIEDENIS, Brussel, Nationale Bank van Belgie, 1979. Gebrocheerd onder geillustreerde papieromslag, 205 x 205mm., 283pp. + 25 illustraties in kleur en z/w op aparte platen achterin het boek. Tentoonstelling georganiseerd in het raam van het Millenium van de stad Brussel, mei - juni 1979. Boek is in prima staat. Buchnummer: 16357 | Preis: EUR 25.00 In den Einkaufswagen

-- Filosofia e scienza classica, arabo-latina medievale e l'eta moderna, Ciclo di seminari internazionali (26-27 gennaio 1996). Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1999. Hardcover. 340 p., 165 x 240 mm, Languages: Italian, French, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN: 02150110200 Ce volume rassemble les communications faites lors d'un cycle de Seminaires internationaux tenus au "Centro Studi Biagio Pelicani" de Parme. Les articles abordent des arguments tres differents a premiere vue: philosophie de la nature, astronomie, optique, mathematique, physiognomie, iconologie, rethorique, dialectique. En fait, les themes ont un lien entre eux si on prend en consideration le caractere global des connaissances pendant l'epoque medievale. Comment se presente le savoir philosophique et scientifique a la fin du moyen age et a l'aube de la Renaissance? Tel etait le point central de ces rencontres. Les auteurs des divers articles ont tente d'apporter une reponse a ces questions et de solutionner bien d'autres problemes historiographiques. On trouve donc dans ce livre une perspective nouvelle a propos d'une serie de questions specifiques qui font encore l'objet de discussions jusqu'a aujourd'hui. Buchnummer: 45511 | Preis: EUR 43.68 In den Einkaufswagen

-- Koningin Louise-Marie van Orleans / Onze koninginnen / Vlaamse Filmkens nr. 441 Averbode, Goede Pers. Oorspronkelijk uitgevers omslag,. Vlaamse Filmkens nr. 441 Buchnummer: 53383 | Preis: EUR 5.00 In den Einkaufswagen

-- Mises a jour des fascicules 2 a 39 Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1985. Hardcover. 300 p., 160 x 240 mm, Languages: French, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN: 9782503509280 Buchnummer: 45025 | Preis: EUR 85.01 In den Einkaufswagen

-- Table des fascicules 1-50 - Table of Fascicles - Register der Faszikel Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1992. Hardcover. 116 p., 160 x 240 mm, Languages: French, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN: 9782503502618 Buchnummer: 45023 | Preis: EUR 28.34 In den Einkaufswagen

17E COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL/17. INTERNATIONALES KOLLOQUIUM/ 17TH INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIUM SPA, 16-19 V. 1994. LA VILLE ET LA TRANSMISSION DES VALEURS CULTURELLES AU BAS MOYEN AGE ET AUX TEMPS MODERNES/DIE STADTE UND DIE UBERTRAGUNG VON KULTURELLEN WERTEN IM SPATMITTELALTER UND IN DIE NEUZEIT/CITIES AND THE TRANSMISSIN OF CULTURAL VALUES IN THE LATE MIDDLE AGES AND EARLY MODERN PERIOD. ACTES/ABHANDLUNGEN/RECORDS. Bruxelles, Credit Communal. Paperback, sous jacquette originale d"editeur en couleurs, 16x24 cm., 375 pp., texte en francais/allemand et anglais. ISBN: 287193245X La metropole et son influence/die Metropole and ihr Einfluss/Metropolitan city and its influence. Culture et classes/Kultur und Klassen/Culture and class. Les industries du changement culturel/Die Gewerbe des Kulturwechsels/Industries of cultural change. Les agents du changement culturel/Die Einrichtungen des Kulturwechsels/The agencies of cultural change. Les institutions commerciales/Die Handelseinrichtungen/Commercial bodies. Conclusions generales/Schlussforgerung/General conclusions. Credit Communal Collection Histore in -8?° N?° 96 1996. Buchnummer: 24256 | Preis: EUR 25.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Adamska, M. Mostert Development of Literate Mentalities in East Central Europe Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2004. Hardcover. VIII 546 p., 15 b/w ill. 12 colour ill., 7 b/w line art, 160 x 240 mm, Languages: English, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN: 9782503514499 Compared with most of Continental Europe North of the Alps, the introduction of writing in East Central Europe (Bohemia, Poland and Hungary) took place with a considerable delay. Much is known about East Central European uses of writing, although only a fragment of this knowledge is known outside the region. Gathered by historians, palaeographers and codicologists, diplomatists, art historians, literary historians and others, this knowledge has hardly ever been studied in the light of recent discussions on medieval literacy and communication. Work done in the Czech, Polish and Hungarian traditions of scholarship has never been subjected to a comparative analysis. Furthermore, the question of the relation between writing and other forms of communication in the region remains largely unexplored. The volume serves a double purpose. For the first time, a collection of contributions on medieval literacy in East Central Europe is put before the forum of international scholarship. It is also hoped to further discussions of modes of communication, literate behaviour and mentalities among scholars working in the region. Buchnummer: 44835 | Preis: EUR 84.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. AL, , P. BISCIARI, E. SCHOKKAERT, J.-C. SCHOLSEM, H. TULKENS, C. VALENDUC, C. VAN DE VOORDE, S. VAN STEENKISTE, C. VANDERMOTTEN, D. VANNESTE, , J. VELAERS, J. VUCHELEN, E. WITTE Belgium, Quo Vadis? Brussel, Paleis der Academien, 1999,. softcover, originele uitgeversomslag, 26x18cm, 294pp, als nieuw/ as new!!!! Speciale Uitgaven; 67,kanttekeningen bij het Belgische federalisme, verschillende bijdragen, Buchnummer: 13406 | Preis: EUR 25.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Anglada - Anfruns; In Paciani episcopi Barcinonensis opera silva studiorum, Turnhout, Brepols, 2012. Hardback, 477 p., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN: 9782503534275 The study and the production of a critical edition of the works of Pacian, bishop of Barcelona (fourth century), have been the life's work of Angel Anglada Anfruns. He has published many articles in miscellanies and high ranked journals since the 1960s, and also some in less-accessible periodicals. Updated versions of these contributions, most of which are written in Spanish, have now been gathered for the first time in a volume entitled Silva studiorum. They deal with the manuscript transmission and the history of the printed versions of Pacian's opera, the syntactic structure (particularly the clausulae) and particular problematic passages in the bishop's writings. The volume concludes with an index of the passages which have been discussed in detail. The articles offer a general view of the reception of Pacian's works down the ages and list the author's arguments behind specific editorial decisions. It is the perfect companion volume to the edition of Pacian's complete works published in Corpus Christianorum, Series latina 69B (2012). Languages : Spanish, Catalan, Latin. Buchnummer: 39165 | Preis: EUR 132.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Bocquet-Lienard, B. Fajal A propo[t]s de l'usage, de la production et de la circulation des terres cuites dans l'Europe du Nord-Ouest autour des XIVe-XVIe siecles Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2011. Hardcover. IV 340 p., 160 x 240 mm, Languages: French, English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN: 9782902685646 L?artisanat de la terre cuite aux XIVe-XVIe siecles connait une transformation de ses modes de production et un enrichissement significatif du vaisselier ceramique, accompagnant l?emergence de hameaux ou de villages specialises dans la fabrication de terres cuites et de gres. S?appuyant sur une utilisation conjointe des sources archeologiques, archeometriques et textuelles, cette table ronde evoque d?abord les questions relatives a la definition des ateliers, a leurs productions et aux contextes de leur implantation, avant de s?attarder sur la circulation ? en particulier entre le continent et les iles Britanniques ? et l?utilisation des terres cuites. Buchnummer: 45767 | Preis: EUR 39.09 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Bolvig, P. Lindley (eds.); History and Images Towards a New Iconology., Turnhout, Brepols, 2003. Hardback, XXX+430 p., 155 b/w ill. + 26 colour ill., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN: 9782503511559 This important collection of essays represents a wide variety of new approaches to the deployment of images by historians. Methodological debates and historiographical concerns are explored by distinguished international scholars. Ground-breaking technological innovations in the last two decades of the twentieth century have led to the development of huge image databases, offering outstanding new opportunities for comparison, analysis and interrogation. This was apparent from the database demonstrations at the congress on History and Images in Copenhagen in 1999, part of the University of Copenhagen's Visual Construction of Realities research programme. Several of the papers included here summarise recent research or disclose the potential of the new technologies for posing - and answering - novel types of question. A common concern of many contributors to this volume has been the reconfiguring of Art History to encompass areas which have often been viewed as marginal - geographically, physically or intellectually, for example. As each of the nineteen essays demonstrates, approaches to the employment and interpretation of the visual image by historians have been increasingly rendered obsolete or inappropriate by postmodern intellectual diversity and by the dramatic development of technology. The subtitle of the book ('Towards a New Iconology') reveals that a potent new dialogue between historian and image and between contemporary and historical constructions of reality, is in the process of construction. Languages : English. Buchnummer: 39887 | Preis: EUR 89.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Brown; Medicean and Savonarolan Florence The Interplay of Politics, Humanism, and Religion, Turnhout, Brepols, 2012. Hardback, XXX+325 p., 4 b/w tables, 156 x 234 mm. ISBN: 9782503528519 This volume offers a new, multi-focused approach to Florentine society under Lorenzo the Magnificent, Savonarola?s religious regime and the unsettled early decades of the sixteenth century, crucial periods of change that are often treated separately. This volume examines Florentine society at crucial moments of change that are often treated separately in historical narratives: the later years of Medici government under the aegis of Lorenzo the Magnificent, the four tumultuous years of Savonarola?s religious regime from 1494 to 1498, and the unsettled early decades of the sixteenth century. Drawing upon original research conducted during the past decade, it provides important insights into the politics and conflicting ideologies in the city as experienced by different levels of society, not only by the politicians, preachers, and intellectuals whose voices are more familiar to us, but also by women and lower-class citizens. Since no single paradigm is adequate to describe these years of flux, this volume attempts to reassess the period by uncovering the debate underlying nearly all the topics it discusses. In this way, it offers a new and multifocused approach to the study of this important and influential period in Florentine history. Alison Brown is Emerita Professor of Italian Renaissance History at Royal Holloway, University of London. Her books on Florentine politics and political thought include Bartolomeo Scala, 1430-1497, Chancellor of Florence: The Humanist as Bureaucrat (1979); The Medici in Florence: The Exercise and Language of Power (1992); The Renaissance (1999); and The Return of Lucretius to Renaissance Florence (2010). Language : English, Italian. Buchnummer: 38290 | Preis: EUR 88.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Bysted, K. V. Jensen, C. S. Jensen, J. Lind; Jerusalem in the North: Denmark and the Baltic Crusades, 1100-1522, Turnhout, Brepols, 2012. Hardback, XIV+393 p., 57 b/w ill., 15,6 x 23,4. ISBN: 9782503523255 'God wills it, God wills it!' ' this was the response to the sermon of Pope Urban II at Clermont in 1095, in which he exhorted his audience to take the cross and liberate Jerusalem. And his words spread, even to the remotest islands in the north of Christendom. For the first time since the mid-nineteenth century, historians have investigated Latin, Danish, German, and Russian source materials about the Danish Crusades in the Baltic region. This team of four Danish medievalists describe how the idea of crusading reached the North and how Scandinavia became involved in the Western European crusading movement. Crusading ideology inspired Danish wars for hundreds of years against the Wends, Prussians, Lithuanians, Estonians and other pagan peoples along the coasts of the Baltic Sea so that in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries Denmark became the dominant crusading power in the region: a Jerusalem in the North. Indeed, crusading remained an important political reality in Denmark until the Lutheran Reformation in the early seventeenth century. Languages : English. Buchnummer: 40456 | Preis: EUR 82.50 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Cattaneo Fra Mauro's Mappa mundi and Fifteenth-Century Venice Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2011. Hardcover. 470 p., 3 b/w ill. 16 colour ill., 210 x 270 mm, Languages: English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN: 9782503523781 Fra Mauro?s mappamundi, drawn around 1450 in the monastery of San Michele on Murano in the lagoon of Venice, is among the most relevant compendia of knowledge of the Earth and the Cosmos of the fifteenth century. By examining literary, visual, textual and archival evidences, some long considered lost, this book places the map within the larger context of Venetian culture in the fifteenth century. It provides a detailed analysis of both its main sources (auctores veteres such as Pliny, Solinus, Ptolemy, and novi, like Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Marco Polo and Niccolo de? Conti) as well as of the composite networks of contemporary knowledge (scholasticism, humanism, monastic culture, as well as more technical skills such as marine cartography and mercantile practices), investigating the way they combine in the epistemological unity of the imago mundi. More a work on intellectual history than cartography, the book constructs a complex set of frameworks within which to situate Fra Mauro?s monumental effort. These range from the cultural history of the reception of the world map from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries to the analysis of the material conditions under which map-makers such as Fra Mauro worked; from the history of ideas, especially of natural philosophy to the links between world representations and travel literature. It also addresses the Venetian reception of Ptolemy?s Geography, the interactions between Venetian art, theology and cosmography and the complexities of the Venetian vernacular. The books develops a multi-tiered approach, in which different elements of the rich cultural context in which this world map was created, interact with each other, each casting a new light on the encyclopaedic work being analyzed. Angelo Cattaneo, who holds a Ph.D. in History from the European University Institute in Florence, is a researcher at the Centro de Historia de Alem-Mar of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Center for Overseas History of the New University of Lisbon). Currently he is studying the global circulation of knowledge, technology and material culture from the fifteenth to the seventeenth centuries, particularly cosmography, cartography and travel literature. He is the author of Mappa mundi 1457 (Rome, 2008). He also co-edited the volumes The Making of European Cartography (Florence, 2003) and, with Nathalie Bouloux and Patrick Gautier Dalche, Humanisme et decouvertes geographiques (Medievales 58, 2010). Buchnummer: 45717 | Preis: EUR 106.40 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Cattaneo; Fra Mauro's Mappa mundi and Fifteenth-Century Venice , Turnhout, Brepols, 2011. Hardback, 470 p., 3 b/w ill. 16 colour ill., 210 x 270 mm. ISBN: 9782503523781 Fra Mauro's mappamundi, drawn around 1450 in the monastery of San Michele on Murano in the lagoon of Venice, is among the most relevant compendia of knowledge of the Earth and the Cosmos of the fifteenth century. By examining literary, visual, textual and archival evidences, some long considered lost, this book places the map within the larger context of Venetian culture in the fifteenth century. It provides a detailed analysis of both its main sources (auctores veteres such as Pliny, Solinus, Ptolemy, and novi, like Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas, Marco Polo and Niccolo de' Conti) as well as of the composite networks of contemporary knowledge (scholasticism, humanism, monastic culture, as well as more technical skills such as marine cartography and mercantile practices), investigating the way they combine in the epistemological unity of the imago mundi. More a work on intellectual history than cartography, the book constructs a complex set of frameworks within which to situate Fra Mauro's monumental effort. These range from the cultural history of the reception of the world map from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries to the analysis of the material conditions under which map-makers such as Fra Mauro worked; from the history of ideas, especially of natural philosophy to the links between world representations and travel literature. It also addresses the Venetian reception of Ptolemy's Geography, the interactions between Venetian art, theology and cosmography and the complexities of the Venetian vernacular. The books develops a multi-tiered approach, in which different elements of the rich cultural context in which this world map was created, interact with each other, each casting a new light on the encyclopaedic work being analyzed. Terrarum Orbis (TO 8). New Buchnummer: 30985 | Preis: EUR 99.90 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Chavasse; Le sacramentaire dans le groupe dit 'gelasiens du VIIIe siecle' Une compilation raisonnee. Etudes des procedes de confection et synoptiques nouveau modele.A. Etudes particulieres. B. Synoptiques et tables speciaux, Turnhout, Brepols, 1984. Paperback, 359 p., 185 x 245 mm. ISBN: 13501400200 Languages : French. Buchnummer: 39114 | Preis: EUR 120.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Cornet, F. Bontinck; Emire Cambier. Correspondance du Congo (1888-1899). Un apprentisage missionaire, Turnhout, Brepols, 2001. Paperback, 478 p., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN: 9789074461405 "These two volumes (Journal du Congo, Correspondance du Congo) are welcome additions to the published primary source material on central African history and should be valuable fonts of information on the early colonial period in Congo." Languages: French. Regarde aussi notre n?° 34866. Buchnummer: 34865 | Preis: EUR 51.50 In den Einkaufswagen

A. de Vogue les regles monastiques anciennes (400-700) Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1985. Hardcover. 62 p., 160 x 240 mm, Languages: French, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN: 9782503360461 Dans leur ensemble et en tant que genre, les regles monastiques anciennes ont ete tres peu etudiees. D'ou la necessite de suppleer a une bibliographie squelettique par une presentation initiale un peu etoffee.
La Typologie se doit de commencer par un "Apercu du genre" qui le circonscrive de facon un peu precise et donne une vue au moins schematique des ecrits qui le constituent.
On trouvera dans ce premier chapitre un graphique indiquant les principales relations de dependance qui unissent nos regles.
Pour faciliter l'acces aux textes, l'auteur a ajoute a cette etude une liste alphabetique des regles, avec le signalement sommaire de chacune d'elles. dans cet Appendice, place a la fin de l'ouvrage, on trouvera les premieres donnees indispensables pour consulter utilement les regles monastiques anciennes.
Buchnummer: 44974 | Preis: EUR 16.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Derolez catalogues de bibliotheques Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1979. softcover. 72 pages., 156 x 234 mm, Languages: French, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN: 9782503360317 Buchnummer: 44914 | Preis: EUR 20.16 In den Einkaufswagen

A. DERUYTTERE/ M. McLEAN/J. VAN LANDUYT./I. VERPOEST/ M. DESAEGER / J. IVENS/ R.W. DAVIDGE/ G. ONDRACEK/ K. OSTYN/ A. VINCKIER. Interfaces in Materials. Proceedings of the Colloquium. Brussels, 9 December 1988. Brussel, Paleis der Academien, 1989. Originele uitgeversomslag, 26x18cm, 173pp, geillustreerd z/w , als nieuw/ as new!!!! Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie. Speciale Uitgaven, n?° 28. 1. Introduction. 2. The science of interfaces in materials engineering. 3. The direct observation of interfaces by electron microscopy. 4. The influence of the fibre-matrix interface on damage development in composite materials. 5. Interfaces and mechanical behaviour of ceramic matrix composites. 6. Tailoring materials on the basis of microstructure-property-correlations. 7. Joining of different materials through interfaces. Buchnummer: 13396 | Preis: EUR 24.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Dubois (ed.); Un registre de la vicomte d'Elbeuf (1470-1472) Edition d'un registre de haute justice seigneuriale normande (Archives departementales de la Seine-Maritime, 52 BP 5), Turnhout, Brepols, 2011. Hardback, VIII+519 p., 16 x 24. ISBN: 9782902685806 L'ouvrage consiste en la publication du memoire d'Habilitation a diriger des recherches, presente en decembre 2002 devant l'universite de Paris I'Pantheon-Sorbonne. Il constitue une enquete sur l'abbatiat d'une principaute territoriale puissante, la Normandie, une region qui fut, de 1066 a 1204, englobee dans un ensemble territorial aux mains des ducs de Normandie-rois d?Angleterre. Ce type de recherche n?a jamais ete entrepris, ni en Normandie ni ailleurs. Seules quelques figures abbatiales prestigieuses, Lanfranc de Caen, Anselme du Bec ou Jean de Fecamp ont fait l?objet de monographies. L?enquete repose sur une prosopographie, c?est-a-dire un corpus de 327 notices biographiques des abbes des trente-trois abbayes benedictines. Ces notices sont organisees en cinq rubriques (datation et fin des abbatiats, origines familiales, origines religieuses, conditions d?acces a l?abbatiat et activite des abbes). Cette prosopographie, placee en annexe, sera un instrument de travail pour tous les chercheurs. Entre les Xe-XIe et le XIIe siecle, on observe un abaissement du niveau social des abbes. Venus des familles de l'entourage ducal, les abbes finissent par etre issus, pour la grande majorite, de la strate moyenne de l?aristocratie normande, mais aussi de regions exterieures a la Normandie (Italie, Allemagne, Angleterre, Val de Loire). Ils forment une veritable ?« meritocratie ?». Leur formation au sein des ecoles monastiques fait d'eux des reformateurs du monachisme normand, des theologiens de renom, des specialistes de la musique, de bons connaisseurs du droit canon. Au XIIe siecle, leur formation passe de plus en plus par une experience pratique acquise dans l'exercice d'un office claustral. Leur accession a l'abbatiat les place au carrefour des interventions, parfois conflictuelles, du pape, du prince, des aristocraties bienfaitrices et de l?episcopat. Les ducs, de Guillaume le Conquerant a Jean sans Terre, ont cherche a s?entourer des abbes, dont ils recurent des conseils en matiere religieuse. Mais, plus neuve est la mise en evidence de l'influence tenue par les abbes ans le domaine politique. Deja a la fin du XIe siecle, mais de plus en plus au XIIe siecle, des abbes ont rempli des missions de grande importance, dans les affaires financieres, fiscales, diplomatiques. Cet ouvrage sera une contribution a l'histoire des elites dans une principaute du Grand Ouest de l'Europe medievale, des elites religieuses et intellectuelles dont l'implication dans l'exercice du pouvoir demeure forte a une epoque qui voit le debut de la secularisation des entourages princiers. Languages : French. Buchnummer: 41462 | Preis: EUR 41.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Dubois (ed.); Un registre de la vicomte d'Elbeuf (1470-1472). Edition d'un registre de haute justice seigneuriale normande (Archives departementales de la Seine-Maritime, 52 BP 5), Turnhout, Brepols, 2011. Paperback, VIII 519 p., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN: 9782902685806 L'objectif de cette edition est de faciliter l'approche d'un type de document a la fois fascinant et difficile d'acces. Le fonds de la haute justice d'Elbeuf est en effet particulierement riche, non seulement pour les historiens de la justice, mais aussi pour ceux de la Normandie. La presence d'actes de juridiction gracieuse rend ainsi le registre edite utile a l'histoire de l'economie comme a celle des mentalites : on ne trouve ici ?« ni criminels, ni grands voleurs ?», mais la vie quotidienne de justiciables que leur conception de l'honneur et la gestion de leurs biens amenent regulierement devant le tribunal. La remarquable precision du greffier nous laisse ainsi soupconner la place d'Elbeuf dans le commerce sur la Seine au moment ou nait la draperie elbeuvienne, tandis que des inventaires apres deces permettent de penetrer a l'interieur des foyers, ou que l'engagement pris par un homme d'envoyer son neveu ?« a l'escolle ?», de ?« paier son escollage et lui trouver livres a ce necessaires ?» rappellent que le Moyen Age n'est pas la periode fruste qu'on a trop souvent decrite. Historiens, linguistes, passionnes d'histoire locale pourront trouver dans cette edition le materiau a reflexion : une presentation du manuscrit et de son contexte de production, de meme qu'un index des noms propres accompagne d'un index-glossaire des noms communs, permettent en effet de se reperer plus facilement dans le fourmillement d'informations offertes par ce document precieux. Publications du Centre de Recherches Archeologiques et Historiques Medievales (CRAHM). Nouveau. Buchnummer: 30967 | Preis: EUR 43.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Faems, V. Minet-Mahy, C. Van Coolput-Storms translations d?Ovide au Moyen Age, Actes de la journee d?etudes internationale a la Bibliotheque royale de Belgique le 4 decembre 2008 Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2011. Hardcover. XV 302 p., 16 colour ill., 160 x 240 mm, Languages: French, English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN: 9782960076943 Ovide est depuis longtemps reconnu comme un des auteurs antiques ayant le plus marque l?epoque medievale. Aussi de nombreux travaux ont-ils ete consacres a preciser la maniere dont le Moyen Age s?est approprie son oeuvre. Le present ouvrage constitue pour l?essentiel les Actes d?une journee d?etudes sur les translations d?Ovide au Moyen Age qui s?est tenue a la Bibliotheque royale de Belgique. L?objectif des organisateurs etait de contribuer a nuancer les connaissances de la reception ovidienne par la prise en consideration simultanee de plusieurs domaines linguistiques, dans un esprit de dialogue. L?angle d?attaque plurilingue donne de l?auteur, theoricien de l?amour et grand pourvoyeur de mythes et de figures heroiques, une image plus riche, les points de vue fragmentaires de chaque tradition linguistique etant ici depasses. Le volume a ete etoffe de sept contributions nouvelles. L?occasion etait belle de reevaluer l?impact d?une partie quelque peu negligee de l?heritage ovidien, en particulier les Heroides, qui ont laisse leur empreinte dans la traduction francaise des Metamorphoses (Ovide moralise) ou s?introduisent a la faveur de la transposition en prose francaise de la matiere troyenne. On a voulu donner une impulsion a l?etude d?oeuvres medievales largement meconnues (ainsi des versions en moyen neerlandais du conte de Piramus et Tisbe) ou aux productions en moyen francais : si le XIIe siecle a pu etre qualifie d?aetas ovidiana, ce volume montre aussi Ovide revivifie a la fin du Moyen Age. Afin de participer au renouvellement du regard sur Ovide au Moyen Age, plusieurs contributions interrogent les temoins manuscrits et le contexte de transmission des oeuvres. Des approches methodologiques transversales (philologie, codicologie, histoire du livre, litterature, histoire de l?art) permettent de faire avancer la reflexion. Au-dela de la valeur intrinseque des articles individuels, l?ensemble de la mosaique prend forme et sens. Le Moyen Age s?efforce de faire entrer en resonance non seulement les differentes oeuvres ovidiennes, mais encore l?Ovide antique et l?Ovide revisite par des gloses et interpretations nouvelles ; de cet effort nait une nouvelle intelligence de l?auteur latin qui rebondit de texte en texte, de genre en genre, d?image en image, au passage de la langue savante aux langues vernaculaires ou encore au gre du rassemblement opere au sein d?un meme codex. C?est ce processus dynamique continu que l?on peut saisir ici. Buchnummer: 45405 | Preis: EUR 44.80 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Fidora, A. Niederberger, M. Scattola Phronesis - Prudentia - Klugheit, Das Wissen des Klugen in Mittelalter, Renaissance und Neuzeit - Il sapere del saggio nel Medioevo, nel Rinascimento e nell'eta moderna Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2013. Hardcover. 348 p., 165 x 240 mm, Languages: German, Italian, English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN: 9782503549897 Klugheit, heute oftmals missverstanden als Cleverness oder Gerissenheit, gehort bis in die Fruhe Neuzeit zu den Schlusselbegriffen der praktischen Philosophie. Die in diesem Band versammelten Beitrage untersuchen den Begriff der Klugheit in historisch vergleichender Perspektive von seinen Ursprungen in der griechischen Antike uber die islamische Philosophie bis in das lateinische Mittelalter, das eine systematisch komplexe und stark differenzierte Klugheitslehre entwickelt. Ein Ausblick auf fruhneuzeitliche und moderne Entwicklungen beleuchtet das weitere Geschick der Klugheit in der europaischen Tradition und macht dabei auf Kontinuitaten und Neuaufbruche zwischen Mittelalter und Fruher Neuzeit aufmerksam. La prudenza, che oggigiorno e spesso fraintesa come scaltrezza o astuzia, costituiva fino all?eta moderna uno dei concetti fondamentali della filosofia pratica. I contributi raccolti in questo volume indagano il concetto della prudenza in una prospettiva storica e comparativa partendo dalle sue origini nell?antica Grecia, toccando la filosofia islamica e giungendo al Medio Evo latino, che sviluppo la dottrina della prudenza in un sistema complesso e la articolo in sottili differenziazioni. Uno sguardo alle evoluzioni nell?eta moderna e contemporanea illumina il successivo destino della prudenza nella tradizione europea e rende in tal modo evidenti le continuita e le discontinuita tra il Medio Evo e la prima eta moderna. Buchnummer: 45636 | Preis: EUR 66.08 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Frossard; L'art de croire, Turnhout, Brepols, 1997. Paperback, 120 p., 210 x 250 mm. ISBN: 9782503830452 Language : French. Buchnummer: 38460 | Preis: EUR 30.50 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Gautier, C. Martin (eds.); Echanges, communications et reseaux dans le Haut Moyen Age Etudes et textes offerts a Stephane Lebecq, Turnhout, Brepols, 2012. Paperback, 296 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN: 9782503543352 Stephane Lebecq a pris sa retraite en juin 2009. Pour lui rendre hommage, ses amis et collegues ont voulu faire echo a ses travaux sur le haut Moyen Age en s'inspirant de ses domaines de recherche. Si la majorite des seize contributions de ce volume se situe dans l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, aire geographique d'election de son travail scientifique, plusieurs etendent ses questionnements a des parties meridionales de l'Occident, voire a l'Orient byzantin. On peut repartir l'ensemble en deux grands volets qui rejoignent les themes de predilection de Stephane Lebecq. Le premier est la mer, envisagee comme un milieu de vie ou comme le cadre d'echanges a travers la navigation, singulierement la navigation commerciale. Le second s'attache aux personnes qui animent ces echanges et entretiennent ainsi des reseaux fondant leur pouvoir : puissants de tous ordres, ambassadeurs, missionnaires. Language : French. Buchnummer: 38942 | Preis: EUR 60.50 In den Einkaufswagen

A. GERLO, M.A. NAUWELAERTS, H.D.L. VERVLIET Ivsti Lipsi Epistolae, I, 1 : 1564-1583. Brussel, Paleis der Academien, 1978. Gebonden, groen linnen, vergulde stempel en titel op de voorplat, rug versierd vergulde titel, 18,5x26,5cm, 491pp, index nominum. Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie. Iusti Lipsi Epistolae I, 1.De brieven van Iustus Lipsius worden door de leden van de commissie sinds 1978 chronologisch vertaald. De werken die hieruit resulteerden, zijn ondertussen een standaard referentiewerk geworden voor al wie met Iustus Lipsius en humanisme bezig is Buchnummer: 13301 | Preis: EUR 59.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Grabois sources hebraiques medievales Vol. I. Chroniques lettres et 'responsa'. Brepols - Harvey Miller, 1987. Hardcover. 98 p., 160 x 240 mm, Languages: French, Fine copy. Including an index. ISBN: 9782503360508 Buchnummer: 44980 | Preis: EUR 23.41 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Graceffa; Les historiens et la question franque Le peuplement franc et les Merovingiens dans l?historiographie francaise et allemande des XIXe-XXe siecles, Turnhout, Brepols, 2009. Paperback, 431 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN: 9782503533100 L'arrivee des Francs et l'etablissement de leur pouvoir en Gaule a la fin du Ve siecle fut et demeure un moment mal connu de l'histoire europeenne. Le manque de sources ecrites eut pour corollaire un fort investissement ideologique pour les monarchies francaise et allemande, qui firent de cet episode un veritable mythe d'origine. Le developpement de la science historique puis l'invention de la nation democratique, en sapant cette legende, engendrerent une pluralite de postures historiographiques. Au XIXe siecle, la question franque devient un enjeu de memoire primordial dans la strategie de mise en discipline de la science historique a l?Universite, et pour la structuration d?une communaute de specialistes (historiens, medievistes, puis haut-medievistes). L'impact des conflits franco-allemands et la radicalisation des ideologies, nationaliste, marxiste ou national-socialiste, influencent les discours. Mais progressivement s'engage, dans la seconde moitie du XXe siecle, un mouvement de deconstruction nationaliste, stimule par une dynamique europeenne et pacifiste. La presentation de ces debats revele un panorama original de l'erudition historienne francaise et allemande aux XIXe et XXe siecles. Elle montre la realite d'une science en marche, tout en soulignant l'impact du present sur celle-ci. Ce sont finalement le statut de toute verite historique et le rapport de l'historien a l'Etat qui se trouvent ici questionnes. Language : French. Buchnummer: 38936 | Preis: EUR 77.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Hindley (ed.); Drama and Community People and Plays in Medieval Europe, Turnhout, Brepols, 1999. Hardback, XX+294 p., incl. 8 ills., 1 plan and 2 tables, 160 x 240 mm. ISBN: 9782503507675 This collection of essays examines various aspects of the inter-relation between a number of different medieval 'European communities' and the plays they performed. There has been a marked revival of interest in medieval drama in recent years, much of it informed by an increasing understanding that drama is not just literature, but a social and indeed commercial event, essentially a communal effort, inextricably bound up with social structures. This collection of essays examines various aspects of the inter-relation between a number of different 'European communities' and the plays they performed, covering a range of theatres and play-types, and providing an international perspective on performance cultures across Europe. Contributors include Alan Hindley, Introduction; Lynette Muir, 'European communities and medieval drama'; Graham A. Runnalls, 'Drama and community in late medieval Paris'; Robert L.A. Clark, 'Community versus subject in late medieval French confraternity drama and ritual'; Frederick W. Langley, 'Community drama and community politics in thirteenth-century Arras: Adam de la Halle's Jeu de la Feuillee'; Alan Hindley, 'Acting companies in late medieval France: Triboulet and his troupe'; Alan E. Knight, 'Processional theatre and the rituals of social unity in Lille'; Wim Husken, 'Cornelis Everaert and the community of late medieval Bruges'; Elsa Strietman, 'A tale of two cities: drama and community in the Low Countries'; John Tailby, 'Drama and community in South Tyrol'; Konrad Schoell, 'Individual and social affiliation in the Nuremberg Shrovetide Plays'; Alan J. Fletcher, 'Performing medieval Irish communities'; Pamela M. King, 'Contemporary cultural models for the trial plays in the York Cycle'; Chris Humphrey, 'Festive drama and community politics in late medieval Coventry'; Philip Butterworth, 'Prompting in full view of the audience: a medieval staging convention'; Alexandra F. Johnston, 'English community drama in crisis: 1535-80'; Jane Oakshott, 'York Guilds' Mystery Plays 1998: the rebuilding of dramatic community'. Languages : English. Buchnummer: 39883 | Preis: EUR 55.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Hoste; Bibliotheca Aelrediana A Survey of the Manuscripts, Old Catalogues, Editions and Studies concerning St. Aelred of Rievaulx, Turnhout, Brepols, 1962. Paperback, 206 p., + 1pl., 2 maps, 160 x 245 mm. ISBN: 13500200200 Languages : English. Buchnummer: 39092 | Preis: EUR 13.50 In den Einkaufswagen

A. J. Fletcher; The Presence of Medieval English Literature Studies at the Interface of History, Author, and Text in a Selection of Middle English Literary Landmarks, Turnhout, Brepols, 2012. Hardback, X+304 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN: 9782503536804 Negotiations between history, author, and text in a selection of Middle English literary landmarks. The modern period has read its own contingent values into Middle English literature, and a modern canon of vernacular medieval literary texts has evolved as a result. While this book works with a selection of texts that have achieved such canonical status, it brings to light some of the ways in which they nevertheless resist the flattening domestications and expectations of modern taste. It illustrates how they formerly existed as constituents of a past world richer, stranger, and less familiar than much modern opinion has supposed. Thus the book aims to recuperate lost senses in which the age in which these texts were conceived and written was present within them, as well as ways in which they may have been present to their age. This twin idea of ?presence? is the thread that binds a series of chapters on English verse and prose written between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries together. While they may be read as discrete studies of individual literary landmarks, the chapters also entail an implicit and ramifying demonstration of the shortcomings of some modern views of what makes certain currently prized Middle English texts worth reading, and of how the vernacular literature of medieval England is retrospectively to be defined and periodized. Languages : English, Italian, Latin. Buchnummer: 37402 | Preis: EUR 88.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. J. Johnston; Performing the Middle Ages from 'Beowulf' to 'Othello' , Turnhout, Brepols, 2009. Hardback, VIII+344 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN: 9782503527550 Performing the Middle Ages from 'Beowulf' to 'Othello' traces the dialogic nature of the relationship between the Middle Ages and modernity. Arguing that modern beliefs in the alterity of the Middle Ages stem from the Middle Ages- own processes of self-representation, Johnston explores varieties of nostalgia through a wide selection of texts. This volume spans an extensive chronological period with a view to demonstrating how our notions of the medieval have been crucially informed by the past itself. The study is focused on works which stage that popular literary archetype ' the nostalgic figure of the aristocratic warrior ' and argues that it is this image that provides a structural model for so many modern perspectives on the Middle Ages. And yet, in the Middle Ages this model was being deconstructed as it was also being generated. By moving from the self-consciously archaic heroism of Beowulf to the scathing comment on chivalric narrative presented in Chaucer's 'Knight's Tale', Johnston's analysis offers an intriguing insight into the way medieval texts engage in a continual aesthetic and ideological critique of their own cultural moment. Using Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and the Alliterative Morte Arthure as examples of an incisive critique of the cult of subjectivity and of a highly self-conscious desire for tradition, Johnston extends his analysis to the early seventeenth century, and explores the ways in which Shakespeare's Othello brilliantly deconstructs the very concept of 'Renaissance Man'. With its interest in issues of subjectivity, textual performance, and the ideological self-awareness of medieval culture, Performing the Middle Ages provides a scholarly and compelling investigation into the Middle Ages' ability both to understand itself and to shape (post)modern notions of the medieval. Languages : English. Buchnummer: 39353 | Preis: EUR 93.50 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Klug; Konigliche Stelen in der Zeit von Ahmose bis Amenophis III, Turnhout, Brepols, 2002. Paperback, XI+580 p., 35 b/w ill., 22 x 28. ISBN: 9782503991238 Royal stelae are one of the most important sources for reconstructing the history of pharaonic Egypt. They document a variety of royal actions: military campaigns; construction work in temples; donations of statues and barques to temples; gifts of cult instruments and other offerings. During the 18th Dynasty they play an increasingly significant role in the demonstration of royal power. Hitherto, a strictly historical approach has determined how these monuments are viewed by scholars and a fresh approach is now needed, asking such questions as: for what purpose was a stela erected? where? by whom? and what was the nature of its visual appearance? Such an investigation has to be based on the premise that royal stelae are official monuments which reflect how pharaoh wished to present himself. The stelae combine picture and text in one monument which also draws its meaning from the architectural context in which it stands. An important question is to determine the target group for whom the stelae were intended. Some were clearly intended to be read by or declaimed to a large audience while others were addressed primarily to the gods. This book is intended to serve as a source book and the main part consists of the documentation of each stela followed by an analysis of the totality of the stelae. The study includes unknown or poorly published monuments and offers new readings and observations based on an examination of the original monuments. Beside the most familiar "historical" stelae, the book also deals with a group of small stelae which have been of peripheral interest until now because of their short or even missing texts. The book pulls all the information together in trying to establish the evolution, meaning and function of royal stelae in the 18th Dynasty before the Aton religion took over. The study demonstrates that the stelae were embedded in the king's ritual activity. Languages : German. Buchnummer: 40238 | Preis: EUR 157.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Linder; Raising Arms Liturgy in the Struggle to Liberate Jerusalem in the Late Middle Ages, Turnhout, Brepols, 2003. Hardback, XX+424 p., 7 b/w ill. + 12 colour ill., 1 b/w line art, 160 x 245 mm. ISBN: 9782503510927 Europe's commitment to the Holy Land and to the crusade was created and shaped through several modes of action, liturgy among them. Rites articulated the collective undertaking of thinking the idea of Jerusalem and experiencing it emotionally, they energized the faithful to raise armies and provide them with the sinews of war, accompanied the crusaders into battle, sung their victories, and lamented their defeats. And rites functioned as effective channels of information and propaganda, for knowledge imparted in church was endorsed with the stamp of ecclesiastical authority and received with due deference by a Christian society. Liturgy runs, therefore, throughout the entire history of the Jerusalem crusade. This monograph opens up a new and hitherto completely unexplored type of primary source material for the study of the Crusades: crusading liturgical texts. For the first time, evidence is offered of liturgical practices that heralded and prepared the way for the First Crusade, as well as those that celebrated its victory and the liturgical practices that were devised after the defeat of Hattin in 1187. The first part of this study presents a critical edition, based on the vast number of extant manuscripts, with textual variants, reflecting the evolution of given liturgical practices in various places and times. For liturgical ritual offered the best framework for educating and forming the minds of the faithful. The second part analyses the ideological content of the crusading liturgy, and the different roles played by the large cultural-political regions (England, France, Germany) and certain religious and political institutions (papacy, monastic orders and states). The opening chapters therefore deal with the Clamor pro Terra Sancta and the Missa pro Terra Sancta (and related liturgies, the Missa contra paganos and Missa contra Turchos), while the latter chapters deal with the 'Festivitas liberationis Hierusalem'. Languages : English. Buchnummer: 37338 | Preis: EUR 89.00 In den Einkaufswagen

A. M. Valente Bacci San Pietro nella letteratura tedesca medievale Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2008. Hardcover. XVI 223 p., 80 b/w ill., 165 x 240 mm, Languages: Italian, French, English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN: 9782503528465 Nella letteratura tedesca medievale la figura di Pietro assume un ruolo primario per tutto il medioevo fin dalle origini. Gli stretti rapporti che univano la Chiesa tedesca a Roma ed ai suoi pontefici, il riconoscimento del primato petrino e papale avevano portato a considerare il patrocinio di san Pietro superiore a quello di qualsiasi altro santo, all?affermazione ed espansione del culto dell?apostolo, alla sua celebrazione in una molteplicita di testi di vario genere. Questa monografia si propone di ricostruire l?immagine di Pietro attraverso l?analisi di testimonianze letterarie in volgare ?tedesco?, composte nell?arco di tempo compreso tra i secoli IX-XIV. Nei testi della fase piu antica, il tentativo di conciliare i due sistemi di valori, cristiano e germanico, indusse a connotare le prerogative con elementi che descrivono il rapporto fra Gesu e i discepoli secondo i termini della Gefolgschaft germanica. Nei testi del periodo medio si mettono in rilievo la funzione ecclesiale e la trasmissione del potere di legare e sciogliere da Pietro al papa, ai vescovi ed ai sacerdoti tutti. Permane la tendenza a giustificare i rinnegamenti di Pietro, ?necessari? per mostrare il legame inscindibile tra perdono e pentimento, per dare speranza all?uomo circa l?incommensurabilita della misericordia divina. Si affianca, inoltre, la figura del discepolo con quelle dell?apostolo, del taumaturgo e del martire. Il libro fornisce un contributo essenziale alla ricostruzione delle modalita con cui la complessa figura di san Pietro venne recepita in area tedesca, mettendo cosi in luce aspetti della sua personalita finora trascurati. Buchnummer: 45613 | Preis: EUR 48.16 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Mekhitarian; La misere des tombes thebaines, Turnhout, Brepols, 1994. Paperback, 70 p., illustratie, 22 x 28. ISBN: 05830060100 Languages : French. Buchnummer: 40236 | Preis: EUR 27.50 In den Einkaufswagen

A. Mekhitarian; La peinture egyptienne ancienne. Un monde de signes a preserver, Turnhout, Brepols, 1997. Hardback, 199 p., 22 x 28. ISBN: 05830070100 Languages : French. Buchnummer: 40237 | Preis: EUR 90.00 In den Einkaufswagen

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